0121 Japanese porcelain "Imari" 伊万里焼
有田焼の始まりは、豊臣秀吉が朝鮮から連れ帰った陶工の金ケ江三兵衛(李 三平)等が有田の泉山で白磁鉱を見つけ、これで磁器の焼成を始めたことが起源とされています(17世紀初頃)。
By majour theory of the establishment of IMARI-yaki is that a ceramist named Mr. Sampei
Lee who brought back from Korea by Hideyoshi Toyotomi end of 16 cent. He had found good white ore at Senzan in Arita(Saga), then had started to fire there.
By these Activities of them had been producted nice white or celadon porcelain
copyed such as Chine or Korea style, and then ARITA had growth for producing
porcelain. Eary style products of ARITA were only with blue glaze, but a man named
Kakiwemon had succcesed to paint with some colours (red, green, yellow, etc.) around
1647. The colourring style called "Akaede", or "Kakiwemon style".
Late 17 century, Arita had started to export the Akaede chine to europe through the
East India Company of Dutch, because The Keitokuchin kiln in Chine had been steadily declining. The port of shipment was Imari port at Saga. The label on packages had been be stamped "IMARI", so exported ARITA-yaki had been be called "IMARI".
In Europe, IMARI had been being made much of upper-class people. Especially, kaiser
Augast of German was an ardent collector of IMARI-ware, and his many collections
still owned in some museums and old palaces. And, kaiser Augast had orderd to
product high quality porcelain in German and the kiln which established in that
time is the famous MEISSEN.
The IMARI (ARITA) has been being loved many people over the world.