0101 Japanese porcelain "mamezara" 豆皿
0102 Japanese porcelain "kozara" 小皿
0103 Japanese porcelain "chuzara" 中皿
0104 Japanese porcelain "ohzara" 大皿
0105 Japanese porcelain "namasuzara" ナマス皿
0106 Japanese porcelain "henkei" 変形皿
0107 Japanese porcelain "sobachoko" そば猪口
0108 Japanese porcelain "mukouzuke and kobachi" 向付小鉢
0109 Japanese porcelain "hachi" 鉢
0110 Japanese porcelain "chawan" 飯碗 茶碗
0111 Japanese porcelain "danjyu" 段重 蓋もの
0112 Japanese porcelain pottery " tokkuri and choshi " 徳利 銚子
0113 Japanese porcelain "choko and sakazuki" 猪口 盃
0114 Japanese porcelain "haisen" 盃洗
0115 Japanese porcelain "aburatsubo" 油つぼ 行燈皿
0116 Japanese porcelain "hibachi and tubo and kame" 火鉢 壺 甕
0117 Japanese porcelain "kumimono" 組もの
0118 Japanese porcelain "others" その他
0121 Japanese porcelain "Imari" 伊万里焼
0122 Japanese porcelain "kutani" 九谷焼
02 Japan "jyubako" 重箱
02 Japan "kobako" 小箱
02 Japan "others" その他
02 Japan "plate" 皿
02 Japan "sakazuki" 盃
02 Japan "wan" 椀
02 Japan "zen" 膳
03 "Electric umbrella” Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 電傘
03 "Glass bottle” Japanese glassware ガラスビン
03 "Glass" Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 グラス
03 "Other" Japanese glassware ガラス その他
03 "Plate" Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 皿
03 "Shaved ice cup" Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 氷コップ
03 "Shot glass" Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 盃
03 ”Lamp” Japanese vintage glassware ガラス製品 ランプ
03 Japanese vintage glass ガラス
04 Japanese doll 人形
05 Japanese vintage stationery 文具 new
06 "Basket" Japanese volks items 民具 カゴ類
06 "Other" Japanese volks items 民具 その他
06 "tetsu" Japanese volks items 民具 鉄類
06 "Wood products” Japanese volks items 民具 木製
06 Japanese volks items 民具
07 Japanese antique furniture 家具 家電
08 Japanese pottery and porcelain teaware 茶道具 抹茶 煎茶
0802 Japanese tea utensils 茶道具 煎茶
09 "Kakejiku" Japanese antique hanging scroll and ancient document かけ軸
10 Japanese antique rare book 古書 紙もの
11 Japanese sword fittings 武具 刀装具
12 Japanese traditional crafts 伝統工芸品
13 Japanese toy おもちゃ
14 "Haori jacket" Japanese vintage kimono 着物 羽織
14 "Juban" Japanese vintage kimono underwear 着物 襦袢
14 "Kimono" Japanese Japanese-Western eclectic coordination 着物
14 "Kimono" Japanese vintage kimono 着物
14 "Kimono" Types and meanings of patterns
14 "Kimono" Kind of kimono fabric
14 "Obi" Japanese vintage kimono 着物 帯
14 A kimono set that can be worn immediately after the package arrives 着物と帯セット
14 Easy to wear 「KIMONO ”YUI”」-Two-part kimono set 二部式着物と帯セット
15 "Fishing flag" Japanese vintage cloth 大漁旗 new
15 "Maekake" Japanese antique cloth 古布 前かけ
15 "Noboribata" Japanese antique cloth 古布 のぼり旗
15 "Other" Japanese antique cloth その他
15 "Tanmono" Japanese vintage cloth 古布 反もの
15 "Boro" Japanese antique cloth 古布 襤褸 らんる ボロ
15 "Hagire" Japanese antique vintage cloth 古布 ハギレ
15 "Hanten" Japanese vintage kimono 古布 印半てん 藍染
15 "Noragi" Japanese vintage kimono 古布 野良着 絣
15 "Obi" Japanese antique vintage cloth 古布 帯
15 "Sakabukuro" Japanese antique cloth 古布 酒袋
15 "Sashiko" Japanese antique cloth 古布 刺し子
15 "Yogi" "Furoshiki" Japanese antique cloth 古布 夜着 風呂敷
15 Japanese vintage cloth 古布
15 Japanese vintage mosquito net material is linen 古布 蚊帳 麻
1501 "Tutugaki" Japanese antique cloth 古布 筒描き
1501 "Sakiori" Japanese antique cloth 古布 裂き織
1501 Cut Japanese silk antique cloth 古布ハギレ正絹
1516 Cut Japanese cotton antique cloth "Kasuri” 古布 ハギレ 木綿 絣
1525 Cut Japanese silk antique cloth "Tumugi” 古布ハギレ正絹紬
16 Japanese antique kimono accessories 和装小物
17 Forehead picture made of kimono or obi 額絵
18 brooch made of kimono or obi 着物リメイク ブローチ
19 kimono-remake 着物リメイク
20 Japanese antique items その他
Only one art in the world made with kimono and obi 着物・帯のアート